Monday, July 18, 2011

Redeeming Cain Is Here!

Hello, everyone. After a long, cold winter and busy spring, it is my pleasure to announce that this mid-summer will see the completion of my most challenging project yet-Redeeming Cain! So far, this is my favorite manuscript. As I finish up the final edit, my next step is to find a suitable literary agent to represent Cain to potential publishing houses. You'll find a brief synapses of what the story is all about below. Thanks for all your support!

Synopses of Redeeming Cain

Your child has just been murdered. Is forgiveness anywhere close to paramount in your mind? REDEEMING CAIN is a veridical 51,721-word story about two high school students-Sean Davis and Kyle Ross. Sean is a likeable senior who has the perfect family and the world ahead of him; Kyle is a deeply troubled freshman who envisions little more in his future than frequent trips to detention and, ultimately, expulsion. When a crush on the beautiful, charismatic Cindy Goldfinch comes to the fore, Kyle feels optimistic that things might alas end up going his way.

However, when Sean also shows interest in Cindy, a jealous rage consumes the volatile Kyle who ushers Sean to his untimely death on prom night. Sean's mother, Maggie, shares the close-knit community's outrage and seeks full prosecution of her son's killer. Yet her husband, Rick, lacks the same hatred for Kyle, for whom he feels pity. Will the idealistic rift between the Davises destroy their marriage? How will Kyle answer for Sean's murder? From where will Kyle attain true redemption? From the most unlikely of sources.

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